
Monday, August 6, 2012

Fringe Festival 2012: The Hungry Games: Mocking the Mockingjay

Day: 2

Show: 5

Title: The Hungry Games: Mocking the Mockingjay

By: Tom Reed

Created by: Tom Reed

Location: Theatre in the Round

Summary: A one-man comedy/musical spoof of The Hunger Games books and movie, and the hoopla surrounding it.

Highlights: Watching Tom tell the entire saga and play all the characters is pretty entertaining, although probably moreso if you're familiar with the source material, which I am not (and now I'll have a slightly skewed perspective when I do finally get around to reading the books!). He also expresses himself (as the various characters) in song, with Brian Allen accompanying on keyboard as well as providing a soundtrack to the story. Tom does a great job of using the entire space at Theatre in the Round and engaging the audience; at one point he asks the audience to shout out things which he incorporates into the show. While I did not enjoy this show as much as last year's Disney princess-themed spoof, I still find Tom to be a unique talent - he's funny, can make things up on the spot (go see his alter ego Lougeasaurus Rex host Sample Night Live on some first Wednesday of the month), and he has a really great voice (see Mixed Blood's Avenue Q).

Read more of my fringe fest reflections...