While The Holiday Pageant does tell the familiar Nativity story, it's from the perspective of angels and devils, enacting their eternal struggle on earthly humans. The Devil (a dark and creepy Michael Sommers) is bored because "mankind has become so base and vile that he has nothing to do." He decides to visit his enemy, the "Alpha and Omega" (voiced by Susan Haas on trombone) to see if anything can be done. This leads to the Nativity story as we know it, sort of. The details are entrusted to the angel Gabriel (Noah Ophoven-Baldwin, speaking through his trumpet) and angel-in-waiting (the always entertaining Sarah Agnew, who also plays the devil's servant Teufel, like flip sides of the same coin). They eventually find Mary (Liz Schachterle) and Joseph (master storyteller Kevin Kling), and things unfold more or less as you would expect, complete with shepherds (the always hilarious Luverne Seifert, and Noah Sommers-Haas, playing his part in the family tradition). It's a unique, creative, and very Open Eye retelling of this story that has been retold for 2000 years.
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the cast of The Holiday Pageant from a previous production |
The Holiday Pageant is whimsical and endearing, with plenty of adult humor that will hopefully go over the little ones' heads. It feels very much like friends and family putting on a pageant to entertain themselves and each other, and those of us lucky enough to be in the audience get to enjoy it as well. Playing just through next weekend (ish), the small space fills up fast, and several performances are already sold out, so get your tickets now if you'd like to add this to your holiday theater roster.